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The stretch ceiling system is the technique of heating and stretching special aluminum profiles in various colors and textures, which can take the desired form by heating with its extraordinary structure. It enables flat, circular and other geometric shaped ceilings as well as radial applications such as vaults and domes. Thanks to this flexibility, it offers the possibility of original design in unique ceilings in every project. Stretch Ceiling System can be made not only on the ceiling, but also for wall and decorative purposes and can take any shape. It is not affected by water and humidity, does not require maintenance and paint, can be cleaned, recessed lighting fixtures can be placed on it, can be used as a soft light source by backlighting, it is light, approximately 200gr/m², does not catch fire in a fire, is hygienic, flexible, aesthetic, not affected by ultraviolet rays (X-rays) It can be assembled in a short time and easily, pictures can be printed on it, it does not cause problems such as cracking and separation, it can be disassembled and reassembled when necessary.
The stretch ceiling, which is formed by covering the floor prepared with plaster, aluminum profiles and led lights with a stretch fabric, is one of the decorative ceiling applications. In this application, which is used in many workplaces or homes, while giving a bright appearance to your workplace or home, an elegant ambiance is created with patterns. Stretch ceiling decoration provides beautiful views especially for high ceiling workplaces or houses. When you apply the stretch ceiling in your workplace or home, you will get more harmonious images with patterns suitable for your decoration style. For example, if you have a classic or art deco style, you can use oriental patterns.

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